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February 28, 2022 – Tri-County OIC recently announced that Shaltell Samuels, Jahila Moore, and Djuan Williams have been named local Ambassadors to the SOAR (Skills and Opportunities for Achievement and Responsibility) Reentry Program. Samuels, Moore and Williams successfully completed the SOAR Reentry Program, which involves academic support, vocational training and credentialing, job placement and long-term follow-up.

As SOAR Program Ambassadors Samuels, Moore, and Williams will assist Tri-County OIC’s SOAR Program team with outreach, recruitment, participant engagement, building mentorship relationships, and more.

The SOAR Ambassador Program through OIC Of America awarded Shaltell Samuels, Jahila Moore, and Djuan Williams each with 4-month contracts to support their peers in reentry by fulfilling the SOAR Paid Ambassador duties, which include:

  • Assisting SOAR team with outreach to improve participant engagement, recruitment and information sharing.
  • Build authentic, long-term mentorship relationships with current, former and potential SOAR participants in the community, with the goal of supporting youth to stick to their own individual plans for change.
  • Document engagement efforts and results to be input into online case management system.
  • Attend Credible Messenger (CM3) foundation training, monthly cohort meetings and professional development sessions.
  • Improve services to the SOAR participant community through facilitating peer support groups, planning culturally relevant events, etc.
  • Serve as a broker to reconnect program alumni to SOAR’s pro-social activities, positive peer groups, and formal and informal community supports.
  • Promote family and community engagement.

Learn more about Tri-County OIC’s SOAR Reentry Program.


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Tri-County OIC is a community-based, non-profit, Federal, State, local, foundation and supporter funded organization, which is part of a greater nationwide alliance of OIC’s. 


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