OIC Job Club – Career Guidance: Find Your Path
Tri-County OIC Adult Learning Center 500 Maclay Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesCAREER GUIDANCE: FIND YOUR PATH Wednesdays 12 NOON - 1 PM Identify your skills and interests and determine how they fit into various occupations. Participants will learn about career pathway planning and organizing, maximizing, and prioritizing career goals in this interactive workshop.
SOAR Information Session
Tri-County OIC Adult Learning Center 500 Maclay Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesSOAR INFORMATION SESSION Thursdays 11AM-12PM Learn all there is to know about the SOAR re-entry programs! This is a general information session about comprehensive re-entry and Workforce Development services. Participants will be able to ask any other specific program-related questions as well. Sessions are open to anyone involved in the criminal justice system, 18 years […]
HiSET/GED Testing — Copy
Tri-County OIC Adult Learning Center 500 Maclay Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesEligibility Requirements To take the HiSET exam in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you must meet the following eligibility requirements: High School Equivalency Status: You must not be enrolled, nor required to […]
OIC Job Fair
Grace Temple Church of the Living God 300 Pine Street, Steelton, PA, United StatesLooking for a new start! OIC is sponsoring a job fair at Grace Temple Church of the Living God. The job fair will be held on Thursday, February 24th, 10 am - 2 pm. The job fair is open to everyone. Employers are reentrant-friendly and looking for qualified workers. Contact Isaac Sloan at 717-238-7318 for […]
SOAR Family Bowling Party
ABC East Bowling Lanes 1001 Eisenhower Boulevard, Harrisburg, PACome join us on Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 1 pm to 4pm at the ABC East Bowling Lanes located at 1001 Eisenhower Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17111. The event is free for SOAR participants, alumni, and their families. Come demonstrate your "striking" abilities, or just come have a great time with your fellow students. If […]
Job Club – Find Success
Tri-County OIC Adult Learning Center 500 Maclay Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesJOB CLUB: FIND SUCCESS Mondays 9-10AM & 12-1PM Participants will focus on the steps involved with job-seeking, explore different job markets, and learn to promote themselves. Other topics covered include using social media to seek job opportunities, mock interviews, proper dress and communication skills, opportunities to network with industry professionals, and staying positive in times […]
Digital Literacy & Computer Skills Training
Tri-County OIC Adult Learning Center 500 Maclay Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesFebruary 4 @ 10:30 am - February 13 @ 2:00 pm Digital Literacy & Computer Skills Training is scheduled for February 4-13 (Tuesday-Thursday). Application deadline is January 27, 2025.